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Bill Payment


Description: This endpoint is used for Bill Payment

Request Parameters

clientRefThis is the unique transaction id generated per transaction by client and should be between 10 and 25 digits
billQueryRefThis is the unique eTz reference generated in bill-query stage of process. This field will require the exact reference returned upon successful bill query
billIdThis is the corresponding Biller ID (First ID returned in the service-type endpoint)
customerIdThis holds the biller ID example smartcard number, meter number etc
mobileCustomer’s phone number in 234 prefix format
channelChannel code (Method of payment). See page 25 for list of channel codes and corresponding description
POST /bill-payment
curl `${base_url}/bill-payment`
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d '{
"clientRef": "783-745-6771",
"billQueryRef": "09FG221222221356544JE874V",
"billId": 18,
"customerId": "04175299546",
"amount": 500,
"mobile": "09039639237",
"channel": "11"


Payload may differ depending on biller. All billers and their respective payload can be found at Billers Payment Payloads and Sample Customer ID'S Section